COVID-19: What We're Doing

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We wanted to give you an update about COVID-19 and what we are doing at the studio for everyone's health and safety. 

What we're doing:
- We have increased our cleaning efforts at the studio and will be washing floors, bleaching handles and bathrooms multiple times per week.
- Removed things in our seating area such as blankets, pillows, pamphlets, etc.
- We have recycled our schedules and encourage you to look online when checking the schedule and booking classes next session.
- We are making adjustments to classes that share equipment (Hoop/Cubes).  If you are in these classes, you will receive an email in the upcoming week about changes.
- We are removing all tape from the hoops to ensure proper sanitation. 

What you can do:

- If you are sick or are caring for a loved one who is sick, we ask that you stay home. If you cannot come in, please let us know and we can credit your account for a make up class.
- Similarly, we are being extra cautious if instructors have any flu like symptoms.  We always look for subs but in some cases we may not be able to find coverage.  Please accept our apologies if your classes get cancelled the day of.  Your health and safety is our priority.  Again, your class will be credited to your account.  
- Please wash your hands immediately entering the studio.  We have a sign when you walk in and staff will also remind you.  Please keep that washroom open for hand washing and use the washrooms in the back to change or go to the bathroom.
- Please wash your hands before and after classes.
- Reduce contact - encourage your fellow classmates verbally, no more high fives for now!
- You have the right to refuse a spot from your instructor; however, if they feel you cannot safely execute the move, they have the right to ask you not to attempt it for now.  There is hand sanitizer in the studios, so they can sanitize their hands before spotting you and will also be hand washing before and after class. 
- If you are videoing, we ask that you prop your phone on the floor.  Do not ask your instructor or fellow participants to touch your phone. 
- To avoid groups being together in close proximity, we encourage you to enter the building 3-5 minutes before your classes, and do not stay to visit in the seating area after.  While we love visiting, it's important to be cautious during this time.- We encourage you to bring your own mats and hand towels.  While we use alcohol solution to clean our mats and will be bleaching them additionally a couple times a week, we also encourage you to bring your own.  If you use a towel at the studio, do not share.  During a pole class, keep your towel with you and put it in the laundry immediately after.
- If you are an aerialist coming for practice, you are no longer permitted to set up your own equipment.  Please notify staff how you would like your equipment set up and taken down and they will be more than happy to help.  

It's really important to keep on top of a healthy mind, body and spirit during this time.  Remember to eat well, drink lots of water, sleep and reduce contact with others, avoid touching your face, etc.  Exercise is a very important part of your physical and mental health so we want you to feel as safe as possible to continue to dance, and train in your respective disciplines.

As you know, we are a small business and appreciate your support at this time.  Any suggestions about how we can improve your experience is greatly received. 

Thank you all for being such great members of this community.  
-Sarah & the SPDS team

Sarah Longpre