Stripped Back


Wherever you are in life right now, there is an element of things in life being stripped back. The undoubted loss in many facets of life can lead to feeling raw and vulnerable. When many things are stripped back, where does that leave you?

Perhaps it leaves you with a new perspective. In many cases, maybe a perspective you didn’t ask for but it is here regardless. This perspective can help define where you want life to go once this ends. This global change is a time to sit with yourself and see who you really are or who you want to be. Taking a few moments to reflect or journal can press pause and see if you’re proud of where you are at right now.

In Connection To Self - Looking back on life before this, were you happy with the things you were spending time on? Were you living your life thoughtfully or on autopilot? Are you living up to other’s expectations or your own? Are you proud of you and the life you were living? When all the appointments, busyness, etc., is stripped away, where does that leave you now? You may be very happy with how you were living your life, or perhaps you can see a few changes that you may want to change. We all have a different inner compass or different values, are you making decisions and doing things that truly matter to you?

In Connection To Others - How were your relationships? Are you happy with the people you were spending time with? How are you in connection to your family? It can be helpful to take a look at your life before isolating and evaluate the quality of relationships you have with people. Again, this exercise can reiterate that perhaps you are very happy with the people in your life, and this has shown more than ever how much they mean to you.


In Connection To Self - How are you with yourself now? Whether you are essential services, looking after your family, working from home, a student, living alone, or any other of the many situations right now, how are you being with you right now? We are all going to face ourselves differently with the uncertainty, stress and anxiety of what is happening around the world right now. Are you keeping busy to avoid feelings? Are you allowing yourself to process what is coming up for you? Are you treating yourself gently?

In Connection To Others - How are you in relationship to others right now? Are you attacking or blaming those around you? Are you emotionally isolating? Or have you used this opportunity to become closer to those that you love?

There are no right or wrong answers to these questions. It’s a time to pause and check in with yourself to reflect on your experience. If you are happy with many areas, that’s wonderful. If you find areas that you hope to improve, first please be gentle with yourself. This is not a time to be hard on yourself. We are all doing the best we can.

When many things are stripped away, what are you left with? You are left with you and the people around you who matter the most. Take this time to be honest with yourself of where your life is, who you are, and what impact you want to have on those around you.

Sending lots of love,

Sarah Longpre