What You Can Do


The Saskatoon Pole and Dance Studio team has always said ‘Safety First’ with training at our studio and COVID-19 is no exception. It’s more important than ever to be proactive to help flatten the curve for public health. During this time it can be overwhelming to know what to do. Here are a few helpful things that you can do and what we’re doing to help:

What You Can Do
- Social Distancing - Because COVID-19 is so easily spread, social distancing is really important. What is also important is to reduce the pressure on our health care system. While you may not have COVID-19, isolating yourself will also help reduce the spread of other flus going around, which again eases pressure on our health care. What does this mean? If at all possible, work from home, stay at home, avoid social gatherings, etc.
- Wash Your Hands & Other Basics - If you do need to go out in public, wash your hands, avoid touching other people (tell people they’re great, but no more high fives, hugs, etc), pay with tap instead of cash, etc.
- Support Local Small Businesses - If at all possible, support your local businesses. Many restaurants offer take away with a tap option. This is a great way to support the economy and grab some delicious food while you stay at home.
- Be Kind - If you know neighbours, friends or family who are more at risk, offer to pick up groceries, purchase only the groceries you need (do not stockpile), shovel snow, or help out in any way you can.
- Stay Connected - We are so fortunate to be living in a time where our phones and computers keep us so connected. Reach out to friends and family through texting, Facetime, Zoom dates, etc.

What We’re Doing
Keep an eye on our social media! We will be doing daily updates to Instagram, Facebook and our blog to keep you connected. We will be offering free challenges, online private lessons, etc., for you to stay connected to the SPDS community and to stay active while at home.

We’re in this together!
-SPDS Family.

Sarah Longpre