I'm Home! Now What?

A depiction of me at home looking at my feet this morning thinking, ‘now what?’.

A depiction of me at home looking at my feet this morning thinking, ‘now what?’.

If you are able and have taken the steps towards social distancing, first, give yourself a big pat on the back! While it can be difficult to be away from the things you love, public health is a priority. However, being isolated at home can have impact both on your physical and mental health. Here are a few tips to save your sanity:

- Keep A Routine - Whether you have a family or are living alone, keeping a routine is a big first step in your mental health. Go to bed at the same time, wake up at the same time, and try keep a sense of normalcy throughout the day.
- Eat Healthy - Ok, I’ll be the first to admin that I’m enjoying some snacks at home, but it’s also important to remember to eat as normally as possible. Being physically healthy is more important than ever and that starts with a healthy diet.
- Exercise Daily - While some people have aerial equipment at home, many do not, but that does not mean that you cannot exercise. Go for walks outside, work on your flexibility and strength (follow along with our upcoming fitness challenges and suggestions!). Not only will exercise help with sleep, it will help keep you physically and mentally healthy.
- Feel Your Feelings - If you are worried, sad, anxious, that is ok. These are uncertain times, and it’s important to feel how you’re feeling and not cover those feelings up with unhealthy coping mechanisms such as over-exercising, drinking, over-eating, etc. There have already been serious life-changing decisions such as school closures which impact families and the economy greatly. It’s completely normal to feel anxious about this. Reach out to a friend, journal, or cry to process your feelings. There is a lot of loss in many aspects and there will be a grieving period around that. Be gentle with yourself and those around you.
- Make The Best Out Of The Situation - There is so much we can and cannot do. If you are practicing social distancing (again, good for you!), make the most of your time at home. Do some spring cleaning, complete those projects that you always wanted, read books, learn something online, spend time with your loved ones, rest, etc. There is only so much we can do, but staying positive and making the best out of this will ensure that you are as healthy as you can be.
- Stay Connected - It’s important to keep connected. Schedule Facetime/Zoom/Skype dates with friends and family, and stay connected to us. You are not alone! We are all in this together.

Remember, this won’t last forever. Something that has helped me during difficult times is, “who do I want to be during this?’ or "I want too look back on this and be proud of myself.” What actions can you take to be proud of yourself? Do you want to come out of this more strong physically and emotionally than you went going in? Are you making decisions that impact the entire community positively? Are you using this time to be kind to yourself and others? We will all answer these questions differently and that’s ok! Sometimes asking them can help you determine how to move forward.

As always, we are here to support you! If you have questions, please reach out!

Sarah Longpre